Data privacy statement according to General Data Protection Regulation
General data privacy statement
The use of our web pages is possible without detail of personal data. During the use the following data, like the called web pages and files, browser type and version, type of operating system and computer, Referrer URL and the date and time of the server inquiry, are saved for statistical purposes in log files on our server with an unrecognisable ip-address. Therefore it can be ensured that these data cannot be related to your person.
Data privacy statement about cookies
Our web pages uses cookies for the presentation and technical control of contents. For this purpose a little text file will be saved on the backend device of users. An evaluation of these data does not take place. Cookies remain stored until after the end of a browser session and can be called again at a renewed visit of our web pages. If you do not agree, you should change settings of your internet browser in a way, that it will refuses the acceptance of cookies or erase the cookies after shutting down the browser.
The access to the web pages of our web server will be always carried out in encrypted form.